Goraidh - A Gaelic Language Tutor

Suas Leis a' Ghàidhlig!

Scottish Gaelic, History, and Travel Lessons | gaelicseattle.com

Gaelic Language Tutor - Semi-retired!

Fàilte! Welcome! Is mise Goraidh Mac’IlleDhuinn, agus ’s e tìdsear Gàidhlig a bh’ annam. My name is Geoffrey Sammons and I was a Gaelic tutor for 15 years. If you are interested in the Gaelic language, you’ve come to the right place!

Well, sort of. I want all the resources and materials I've developed to help Gaelic learners and people interested in the history of Scotland and Ireland, and travelers to Scotland and Ireland to continue to be available into the future.

Any future class offerings I have will be listed at my new website (see below).

So if you are interested in checking out what I might have that can help you on your Gaelic journey, please continue on to where I'll be putting everything - macgeoffster.com.

Thank you for your visit to gaelicseattle.com, and I hope to see you over at macgeoffster.com.